Monday, 3 January 2011

The phenomenon of "Hello" Sun In Yogyakarta Indonesia

Hello, in the language and Latin writing ἅλως, also called as the nimbus or gloriole. Is an optical phenomenon that displays a ring around the source of light. In nature we usually see during a full moon or the time
bright sun in the daytime. This phenomenon occurs due to reflection and refraction sun / moon by ice crystals contained in cirrus clouds, clouds that are located on levels atmosphere called the troposphere, approximately 5-10 km from earth's surface.
Halo is an optical phenomenon of a circle of light on around the Sun or Moon light sources. Halo Phenomena is a circle like a rainbow which surrounds the sun. Halo is a more common phenomenon in the sky.
In general hello involve rotation radius and 22 ° halo sundogs (Parhelia). In the picture above, shows sun surrounded by a 22 ° halo and dilambungi (side) by sundogs. Parhelic circle is light biasan sundogs melepasi crystals and surrounded it. Sometimes it coats the entire space in the sky latitut the same with the sun. Coaching tangent and low altitude (Upper and Lower Tangent arc
Tangent arc) continuous touch with the same 22 ° halo is above or below the sun. Making Bends (Circumzenithal arc) will take place on a crystal them. Radius 22 ° solar eclipse is not visible. He is like strands are layered on the surface or habuk cirrus clouds that juice. These clouds cool and contain ice crystals, although on a very hot climate. 
Reflection happens when light passes through the point of water, ice or crystal that is transparent only in the corner only. This angle is determined by the index of refraction medium. A simple example when we see aquarium at a certain angle the translucent glass aquarium of view suddenly becomes a mirror, reflecting shadow contents of the aquarium.Halo Phenomena, Phenomenon Ordinary Hello, in addition to occur in a full circlerainbow-rimmed edges, can also occurs in half circle with center at the light sun.
Especially for those who want to take a photo with using a single lens reflex camera (SLR), should Indirect aiming through the viewfinder box toward the halo, because sunlight will enter into the lens focusand can damage the retina of the eye.
Reflecting on the phenomenon of the Sun

Allah has said in the letter of the Qur'an Ash-Shams verses 10-10, which means:

1. By the sun and its light in the morning,
2. After month when accompanying,
3. By noon when menampakkannya,
4. By night when covered,
5. By the sky and (Allah) who built it,
6. For the sake of the earth and (Allah) who menghamparkannya,
7. For the sake of the soul and (God) which improve it,
8. So God inspires the soul of wickedness and
9. Truly successful who purifies the soul
10. and indeed merugilah who pollute,

Many meanings can be revealed by astronomical phenomena that rarely do we contemplate possible to purify the soulus. For example, the sun just after sunrise thecalled at the beginning of the letter.
The sun on the horizon appears larger than when he was in over his head. In fact, the size of the dish the sun does not change, in addition to atmospheric refraction effects that cause it looks a little oval. Magnitude about half a degree or roughly half the width tip of index finger when stretched forward along arm.
The mindset of people who are causing the impression of relative the sun on the horizon. When the sun looks great as compared to the foreground trees, buildings, or other objects that seem small in the distance. Thus, the human spirit tends to feel self big, strong, rich, clever, or privileged compare it with that small, weak, poor, stupid, or commoners.
When mid-day sun looks small because compared with the vast sky. Similarly, the pattern thought the relative would bring us to the conclusion ourselves small, weak, poor, foolish, or humiliated if we realize there is a bigger, stronger, more richer, smarter, and more commendable.That is the "psycho-astronomical" solar phenomenon. Indeed, natural phenomena with specific processes mentioned in Surat Ash-Shams is rich in lessons for
contemplated. Sun as a central object in four The first verse seems to be a metaphor forcontemplation.
Contemplation of natural phenomena should lead towards purification of the soul, realizing human relativity. The nature and arrogant attitude is a mental impurities that could arise in the form of authoritarian attitudes, scriminatory, and oppressive. Imam Ghozali ever told, be a Muslim like sun. He shines as his personal qualities. And he able to illuminate and warm surroundings. Capable to benefit the community.