Sunday, 2 January 2011

Bicycle Clear Water Producing

Bicycles producing clear water is called the aquaduct, this bike is the one that won a contest Google's Innovate-or-die. Aquaduct was created for the design given by IDEO (contest Winner Innovate-or-die '08). The concept given this bike include transportation (as appropriate bicycle use) a filter and water storage as well. "slogan given this bike is" Pedal your bike when he got home then you can drink clear water. " Water capacity that can accommodate the bike is 8 litter water.

The design team were based on the fact that the "family of four needs about 20 gallons of water a day to meet basic needs -. drinking, cooking, washing and cleaning" So, here's how it works: people who collect water ride bikes to the source of water, and fill the tank 20 gallons. Then that person mengkayuh back home, "interesting peristaltic pump water from storage tank, through a filter to clean tank 2 gallon tank It could. Omitted and brought indoors. As more water is needed, the tank is replaced.
Aquaduct is an excellent example of technology, a term coined by British economist EF Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful: Economics As Though People important, to describe technologies that meet human needs at the local or regional level. In this case, skipped the meeting one of the most basic needs of all: clean drinking water. explains, "more than 1.1 billion people lack access to clean water and more than 5,000 children die every day due to water-related diseases." That is, if they find a way to mass produce their findings in a cost-effective, skipped to add most of the ideas and invention seeks to overcome the disease of poverty, and extreme hunger.